Bioclimatic architecture: concept and principles
Although the basic principles dates from ancient times, bioclimatic architecture is practised only to a limited extent in France but could become tomorrow’s standard*.
This concept takes into account the climatic and environmental conditions of a site in order to design buildings perfectly integrated and adapted to their environment, and pleasant to live in.
To be « bioclimatic », a house must be designed according to essential rules and principles :
The ground and the elements which constrain the site are studied to benefit from it. Its relief and vegetation can provide natural protection against winter winds and cold, or the sunshine and warm summer months.
The orientation of the building plays a key role to benefit as much as possible from solar gain. The south facade always receives the most sunlight, while in summer, the east and west facades are the most exposed to the sun. In that way, the rooms that do not require much solar heating face north (corridors, staircases, hallway) and living spaces placed facing south, east or west (living room, kitchen, bedrooms).
The buildings are kept compact to reduce their surface area. Buildings with a second floor will have less heat loss through walls than a building with only one floor
The choice of openings and their placement on the building façade, the materials, thermal insulation and air-tightness, etc. nothing is left to chance but designed to create healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient homes.
Designing a bioclimatic habitat requires specific skills. For an optimal result, specialized architects can accompany you in your project and draw the plans of your future home.
*In France, a new environmental regulation, the “RE 2020”,will replace the current thermal regulation (RT 2012) and aims to make the new constructions more environmentally friendly. Its application should take effect from summer 2021 and will gradually affect individual housing, collective housing and buildings in the tertiary sector.